Administration & 管理

学位 Awarded:
Bachelor of Science in 健康care 管理

Length of 计划:

Application Deadlines:
Rolling Admissions

学位 Overview

今天的医疗保健商业专业人士不仅要掌握商业理论, 还要了解如何将其应用于医疗机构的运作. 同时在PG电子APP(Clarkson College)获得医疗保健业务学士学位,主修管理, 你的课程将使你熟悉领导和道德方面的主题, human resources, 金融和经济-都是专门为解决医疗保健领域的独特挑战而量身定制的. Other major courses include medical terminology, revenue cycle 管理, quality 管理, 信息学 and public health.


拥有医疗保健业务理学学士学位和管理专业学位是获得美国职业保险公司的良好跳板 Master’s degree in 健康care AdministrationPG电子APP(Clarkson College)在线校区也提供这一课程.


  • 课程检查商业理论,概念,并通过医疗保健镜头的做法.
  • Graduate employment rates above 93%.
  • 学生准备攻读医疗管理硕士学位.
  • Career opportunities available as an office manager, quality 管理 specialist, revenue cycle specialist, medical/pharmaceutical sales professional, long term care administrator, and others in related fields.
  • 学生向具有不同卫生保健学科和实践背景的经验丰富的教师学习.
  • 课程可100%在线提供兼职和全日制学习选择.


General 课程

(67 semester hours)

课程 学期的时间
BUS 110 - Microsoft Office Applications 4
ENG 101 - English Composition I 3
ENG 102 - English Composition II 3
GEN 105 - Medical Terminology 1
IPE 301 - Interprofessional 教育 0
MAT 130 - College Algebra 3
MAT 310 - Statistics 3
选修课 50
Total 学期的时间 67

(9学时)ICC, HUM, EEA课程和选修课在7.5周或6周格式或全学期格式(15或12周),具体取决于课程.

课程 学期的时间
HUM Core - Humanities 3
◊ ICC Core - Intercultural Communication 3
EEA Core - Ethics, Empathy, and Advocacy 3
Total 学期的时间 9
Business Major 课程

(44 semester hours) All courses are 7.5 weeks or 6 weeks in duration besides BUS 499, 只提供全学期的形式(15或12周).

课程 学期的时间
BUS 140 - 健康care Delivery Systems 2
BUS 262 - Business Communication and Marketing 3
BUS 307 -管理和变革领导原则 3
BUS 318 - Human PG电子APP and Organizational Behavior 3
BUS 335 - Managing 健康care Departments 3
BUS 357 -医疗保健会计和财务管理 4
BUS 375 - Concepts of 领导 2
BUS 411 - Operations and Quality 管理 3
BUS 425 - Project 管理 3
BUS 450 - Strategic 管理 3
◊ BUS 499 - Capstone 3
HIM 215 - Data 管理 3
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
HIM 360 - Compliance and Legal Applications 3
分类系统和报销方法 3
Total 学期的时间 44

学费 and 费用

Estimated rates for the 2024-25 academic year. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.





Undergraduate 学费

成本 per Credit Hour

成本 per Semester
$8,202 - Full-time (12 hrs)
$4,101 - Part-time (6 hrs)

Undergraduate 学费$671 / credit-hour
费用 - Included in cost per semester
招生 Fee for first time students 150美元/每
学位 Specific 费用 - Not included in cost per semester
Interprofessional education – IPE Course Fee IPE 301 140美元/学生
IDI Cultural Assessment Fee 40美元/学生

Career Overview


Payscale.com, 2020


预计从2018年到2028年,医疗保健管理领域将增长18%, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019

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