Physical Therapist Assistant

学位 Awarded:

Length of Program:
4 semesters (16 months)

Application Deadlines:
Rolling Admission - Fall
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学位 Overview


PTA学士学位为PTA专业人士打开了新的机会之门. 课程的重点是先进的干预和领导能力的增长,以提高您的实践,建立一个全面的多系统的方法来照顾病人. 高级课程以矫形术的手工技能为中心, neurological and cardiopulmonary care, outcome measures and evidence-based practice, and leadership in the health care environment.

As a graduate of the program, you will have the advanced leadership, 治疗技能和循证知识的进步,你目前的角色在物理治疗领域.


  • 毕业于物理治疗教育认证委员会(CAPTE)认可的PTA课程,
  • 完成以下通识教育课程:解剖学和解剖学实验, Physiology and Physiology Lab, College Algebra or Statistics, English Composition I, and Introduction to Psychology.

How we prepare
the best

  • 全国第二所提供PTA学士学位的大学
  • 用先进的干预和领导力成长来提升你的PTA实践
  • 将课程应用到实际的PTA实践经验中
  • Largest PTA program in Nebraska; established in 1994

Tuition and 费用

Estimated rates for the 2024-25 academic year. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.


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Financial Aid

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Undergraduate Tuition

成本 per Credit Hour

成本 per Semester
$8,202 - Full-time (12 hrs)
$4,101 - Part-time (6 hrs)

Undergraduate Tuition$671 / credit-hour
费用 - Included in cost per semester
Enrollment Fee for first time students $150/ each
学位 Specific 费用 - Not included in cost per semester
跨专业教育- IPE课程费用IPE 301 $140/ student
IDI Cultural Assessment Fee $40/ student

Career Overview

Median Salary

(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020)

Job Outlook

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020

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